
Azure’s mom has always loved wolves and the way they look in natural wildlife photographs, so we wanted to create a similar look with an outdoor winter session. Azure was thrilled with this idea, as temperatures in the teens were a special treat for her. She is a gorgeous Siberian Husky, and true to her heritage, she loves to roam and is always on the move. But even though she’s always exploring, she also never loses track of where her mom is. It was so sweet to watch her check over her shoulder to confirm that her people with her still with her, and when she got a little too far for comfort she would come trotting back with a grin on her face.

She looks amazing at 15 – we all hope to age this gracefully! – and it was fun to see her so content in the chilly weather, taking down notes of every critter that had crossed along the paths. Isn’t she a beauty?

Azure was especially curious about my camera!