Remember adorable eight-week-old Vesper who was sleepy for most of her session? Well, this Weimaraner pup is already six months old and she’s not sleepy anymore! She is a growing up to be a beautiful girl – she’s in the gangly teenage stage, with looooong legs and an unbounded zest for life. She loves to run and play and still makes the the cutest expressions. We were a little worried her energy might be a lot for a photo session, but she did wonderfully and I can’t wait to see her again when she’s grown into those legs. :p

Atlanta Dog Photography & Pet Portraits by Leesia Teh
dog photographer, cat photographer & pet photographer specializing in on-location pet photos for Atlanta and surrounding north Georgia
Vesper » Atlanta Dog Photography & Pet Portraits by Leesia Teh - […] met her when she was eight weeks old, then photographed her gangly teenage years when she was six months old. For her final Puppy Package session we thought it would be fun to incorporate her family’s […]
admin - So glad you like the blog feature, Meredith, and thank you Cheri & Trisha for your kind words. 🙂
mytle - Great! Such an awesome photos.
Meredith Young - Leesia: Thank you, once again, for some amazing photos. I don’t know how you do it, especially with the highly energetic young subjects!
Cheri - Ditto what Trisha said — you have such a talent for capturing their personalities in such beautiful images!!
Trisha Kern - Leesia, you are just so talented with animals!!! These are absolutely adorable! I know Meredith & Bill love them :). Trisha