Lily and Macy are two adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniels – Lily is a seven-year-old Blenheim, and Macy is a five-year-old Tricolor. Lily is the official greeter, doling out kisses to visitors and always up for a snuggle. Macy is very sweet as well, but she reserves her kisses for only the chosen few (her mom and dad!) and loves to be the center of attention if toys are involved. Together, they make the perfect pair!
These three felines far outnumber their dog sibling Carly, an Atlanta Pet Rescue & Adoption alumna, but she’s so mild-mannered and eager-to-please that she fit right in when she joined the family earlier this year. All four are rescues taken in by this very generous couple, who don’t let age get in the way of giving an animal their perfect home. Carly was already five, and Smoky was a senior that had been overlooked at the shelter. Because shelters and rescues often have me out to photograph their longer-term residents, I can’t tell you how encouraging and fulfilling it is to get to see a happy ending.
Scout is a handsome gray cat who is one of the most outgoing cats I’ve ever met. When I arrived, he followed Carly right to the door, completely unfazed, and proceeded to start examining all of my gear with his nose. Smoky is also a dapper gray gentleman, who looks like an older version of Scout with the softest fur you can imagine. Scout is the energetic, playful guy, while Smoky is mainly interested in activities that involve food.
Stella is the shy girl of the bunch, a gorgeous black-and-white kitty who didn’t mind me petting her but minded the camera very much. She declined to participate, but we squeezed in a few photos with her mom next to her as her security blanket. She is super sweet and we tried our best to convince her the camera wouldn’t steal her soul, but when it comes to cats, if they don’t want to do something, they’re just not going to do it!
Carly is a flurry of wagging tail and smiling tongue, as sweet and friendly as dogs can get. Like Scout, she’s never met a stranger, and loves everyone, even the cats when they are being mean to her!

Adorable little schnauzer mix Sadie was rescued from the same group as two of my pups – Atlanta Pet Rescue & Adoption – and like so many animals in shelters, she turned out to be a dog so perfect and loving no one can fathom how in the world she ever ended up homeless! She’s about nine years old now, but still loves to play with her squeaky toys and dance for treats.
She wins over everyone she meets with her calm demeanor and the quiet smile in her eyes. When she’s not cuddling up next to you, she’s sunbathing in the light patches coming through the windows or napping in one of her favorite spots around her house.
Unfortunately, Sadie was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. I was lucky to be able to meet her very soon after her diagnosis so she is still feeling very much herself – please send lots of love and healing thoughts to her and her family. We are all hoping for many, many more good days like this one.

Ashlyn - I love these Leesia and we loved working with you! Can’t wait to see the rest :). Thank you again!