Whip & Corky

Whip and Corky are two very regal Greyhounds who were rescued through Southeastern Greyhound Adoption. Whip is the handsome big brother at eleven years old, and Corky is the new addition, only four years old. She’s still getting used to being off the track and settling into her new home, but Whip has been showing her the ropes and is being very gallant about losing his prized spot as the only child. :p

Every time I meet a Greyhound I’m always in awe of how elegant and lovely they are no matter what they’re doing – running, playing, sleeping. They make everything look so graceful!

Whip’s “Sphinx” pose:

June 23, 2013 - 10:16 pm

Itty Bitty & Fluffy - So glad Whip & Corky have found their forever family and home. Greyhounds always look so graceful. Lovely session!


Tina Turner is a five-month-old Goldendoodle who just became Peter Frampton‘s new baby sister. She is absolutely enamored of him and follows him everywhere, always trying to instigate play. He sometimes obliges, but even when he doesn’t he is such a sweetheart with her. Tina is an adorable little furball of energy and love – as much as she loves to play, she also sticks like glue to her mom, dad, and Peter. Isn’t she a cutie pie?!

June 20, 2013 - 11:37 am

Itty Bitty & Fluffy - Oh they are beautiful! x


Dixie charmed me from the moment I walked in the door – she bounced over to the door happily wagging her tail, then gently put her paws up on my outstretched arms. With a greeting like that, I knew our session was going to be terrific, and she did not disappoint! Dixie is a beautiful three-year-old Golden Retriever who loves belly rubs and fetching her tennis ball.

From the way she was posing for the camera, I suspect she knows exactly how gorgeous she is! I loved her myriad of expressions – in one moment she can look incredibly regal, another moment happy and carefree, and another goofy and sweet.