Luke is a handsome 11-year-old shepherd mix, and Bella is a three-year-old tuxedo who was taken in as a stray when she was a young kitten. Luke is the perfect family dog – he is calm and affectionate with the two boys in his family and takes his job as the look-out at the front door very seriously. Bella is also sweet and outgoing. It was so fun to see these two in their element, lounging around the house. Luke wasn’t phased by any of it, and Bella makes the funniest faces for the camera!
Some of you may remember Ruby, whom I first photographed when she was 14 weeks old! We had her second Puppy Package session when she was one, and then she and her mom moved to San Francisco so I didn’t get to see her for her third and final session until she was three years old. This adorable girl now has a little sister, Kaiya, who’s two years old and just as sweet and spunky.
Ruby and Kaiya are both Yorkshire Terriers, and the quietest little dogs I’ve ever met – I don’t think either barked once during the session. I love Ruby’s “satellite ears” and Kaiya’s cute little smile. They loved showing off for the camera and were so much fun to photograph!
Here’s one of Ruby at each session – she’s changed so much!

Get ready for some serious cuteness overload!! This is Hershey, a 3.5-month-old Yorkshire Terrier who was just adopted from Atlanta Pet Rescue & Adoption. He is settling into his new home wonderfully, and joins big sisters Lizzy and Mary, and big brother Pete.
It was a wonder I made it through this session – I wanted to put down my camera and snuggle with him the whole time instead! He is super-friendly, spunky, and absolutely fearless – he loves to play and actually ran smack into my camera at one point. I don’t think I have to tell you how much fun this session was.
Congratulations to his new family – and thank you to them for showing that even if you are looking for a purebred puppy, rescuing is always an option! 🙂
One of his favorite pastimes (much to his mother’s dismay) is sniffing around to find worms to roll on!
[…] little guy who is settling into his home well and has particularly bonded with his new brother Hershey – they play for hours every day. And even though he will run around non-stop, when his mom […]
You are a photography force! Gorgeous photos and horray for you and these clients for adopting through rescue. “You won’t change the world by rescuing a dog, but you’ll change the world for the dog you rescued.”
This puppy just MIGHT be cuter than my 2 pups! The running shot, the peeking out the door shot, well all of them are PRECIOUS!
What a cutie! I love these photos!
Are you serious??? How CUTE are these photos? Especially the last two. And I am really not a small dog person, but I just want to reach in for a hug 🙂 I am sure he must have been super squirmy and active, which makes the shots all the more amazing!

Liz - I am in love with Luke!!! What a handsome looking, friendly dog!