Maximus is a handsome 11-year-old German Shepherd and Willow is his 5-year-old sister, a Boxer mix. Max is his mom’s shadow and they even share the same birthday! I had a wonderful time meeting this pair – they are both so sweet and eager to please. They both had that perfect “doggie smile” and cocked their heads on cue like they’d been doing this forever!
This handsome miniature schnauzer shall remain nameless, but suffice it to say that he would be a star had he gone into commercial modeling! He is one of the most obedient, accommodating and cheerful little guys I’ve ever met. Not only is he exceptionally well-trained, you can also gently coax him into just about any position, ask him to “stay” and he’ll hold it! He was an absolute dream to photograph.
I’ve seen these warnings too and have been sure to buy only those jerky treats sourced and processed in the US. Thanks for continuing to circulate this info!
I love your photos and look forward to your posts! In one photo above the dogs seems to be holding a chicken jerky treat. I just wanted to pass along the information about how dangerous those treats are – they have been linked to several dog fatalities.ha! i love the duck-chase, followed by the sad duck-less photo 🙂
Great looking dog and love a little mystery from time to time.
I love the shot with the ducks! Reminds me of a children’s book: “Angus and the Ducks”, even though those ducks weren’t afraid.
Oh my gosh! I got such a cute shock (is there such a thing?) when I saw his legs – just seeing his face I expected a Highland Terrier body! What a lovely little guy!!

These three miniature dachshunds were so much fun to photograph. King Tut is four, and the boss of his two sisters. Princess Cleopatra is his littermate sister, and adorable wire-haired Swank joined the pack a year later. King Tut is the most friendly and outgoing, always happy to be the center of attention. Princess is a little shy and takes a bit to warm up, but she has the cutest, most delicate features and certainly has a face fit for royalty! Swank is the perfect complement to the trio, with her wiry hair and spunky personality. She is the most vocal, always watching out the window and alerting everyone to squirrels and other visitors.
I knew this session was going to be fantastic as soon as I arrived – as I was getting out of my car, I was greeted very enthusiastically by these three barreling down the front path before their mom even had a chance to step out the door to meet me!
King-of-the-House Tut:
& Princess!
Stunning! Wish I lived closer so you could capture some of mine.
You know/photograph so many cute doxies! I love your photos.
Lisa, that first photo is SERIOUSLY good – just love the action shot!! But I also love how you have captured the three of them on the step and used just enough depth of field to set them apart from each other. My boss has a miniature doxie and he has that same spunk – way bigger than his body! 🙂

Joni Solis - Lucky people to have the love of these two wonderful dogs. Great photos. Thank you for sharing them.