You know the drill…if you know anyone looking to add a family member, please please PLEASE encourage them to adopt and let them know how many beautiful, loving dogs and cats are waiting desperately for homes. Here are just a few that I met this week; there are many more on DCAS’s facebook page, and a directory with more details on how to adopt on their main website.
If you are interested in a specific pup or kitten below, you can also contact the adoption coordinator directly at jsmartinez [at] dekalbcountyga [dot] gov – I’m sorry I didn’t have time to add ID numbers to each of the photos below.

This poor puppy was being attacked by two larger dogs when he was picked up as a stray. His injuries were so severe they didn’t think he would make it through the night, but when I met them the next day he was pleading to be petted and eagerly lapping up his food. (He will need rescue because of his medical needs and photo of the main wound is here.)

I could hear this kitten literally crying all the way down the hall – but as soon as he was out of his cage and in your arms, he quieted completely and just wanted to be loved on.

I was told that this is, unfortunately, just that time of year – with so many stray and feral cats not spayed or neutered, the shelter is literally overflowing with litters of kittens of all ages and sizes, many not even a pound yet. With this many sharing cages with their developing immune systems in this environment, they run the risk of illness and desperately need rescue.

I was there when this baby was surrendered. These animals may not know exactly what’s happening when they’re abandoned, but they feel it.

Murphy Dog - Awesome and so freaking cute! That first shot with the graffiti in the background easily blows away all the other “graffiti dog” photographs I have seen. Well done… Very well done.
Erin - Heart Melt. I loooooove the goofy dane face!!
Cricket Beach - Oh my goodness!! Aren’t they just gorgeous! Such pretty puppies!
Julia P. - Your children play so nice together! I love the picture where both of their jaws are matched up perfectly while horsing around.
Jasmine B. - These pics are absolutely beautiful!
Barbara Bostock - You and Rocky and Frankie all look beautiful! LOVE the photos!!!!
Dana - Oh what an awesome location! LOVE it – and the dogs are just adorable 🙂
Stephanie - #1. I am in LOVE with their names. #2.The second picture of Rocky is priceless. #3. The last shot is pretty B.A as well. Awesome job Leesia!
Sara - LOVE the last one! So sweet and such a beautiful pic!
Claire Garrett - oh my goodness they are both too cute!! That last image is absolutely amazing! x