These five gorgeous cats were a pleasure to meet and photograph. (They’re all rescues, so their mom and I had lots to talk about!) Max, Joey and Sam are the boys, and they were the focus of the session. Jeepers (named because she was found under the hood of a Jeep) is really shy around new people and isn’t too fond of the boys, and Kacey is the oldest at 17 and needs her quiet time so we only had a little time with each of them.
Max and Sam, both about 5 years old and part maine coone, are very outgoing – within a few minutes of meeting me they were crawling into my camera bag and rubbing against my legs. Joey, a handsome 3-year-old boy, was a little more suspicious of our intentions but we were able to sneak in a few of him as well!
From left to right below are Max, Joey and Sam:
And the girls — Jeepers and Kacey:

Max is absolutely hilarious and a little on the lazy side – can you tell? :p One the boys’ favorite toys are milk jug rings:

I love his little nose and gorgeous markings.

Sam hammed it up with his catnip mice:

Bethany Giannini - Leesia these turned out fantastic!! Moby looks like a fun dog! The flowers and greenery makes for a great backdrop for his color.
Brittany Graham - He is so beautiful!
Becky Caesar - Moby is a littermate of our Augie. From these wonderful pictures – I can see that the two are nearly twins! Such a beautiful day you guys obviously had.
Becky & Jim Caesar with Timber and Augie
nick - Aww they do grow up so fast ๐ Looks like a fun session!